The Message version of the Bible says in 1 TIMOTHY 4:8,
"Exercise daily in God-no spiritual flabbiness, please! Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever."
It's true. I wouldn't necessarily say that I'm a runner, but I have become pretty darn adamant about training for an upcoming mini-marathon. I ran 10 miles this morning. Was snowin' here in the "lou" (Louisville, KY) and so I once again alternated between the indoor track and the DREADmill. I clocked out after 1:38:34. So I'm keepin' it just under a 10min/mile pace. Nothin' to brag about, just something new that you now know about me.
As far as the "loose hinges" are concerned, that would be a reference to my joints. Since middle school, I've had some issues with my...sing along if you would..."head and shoulders, knees, and toes". Okay, so not with my head (though I did get nine staples in my scalp last year, but that's a story for another day), OR with my toes (they just suffer blisters), but my shoulders, knees, elbows, and hips are hypermobile, especially the elbows and shoulders. In fact, my basketball and volleyball playing days are in...I won't even step on the court to goof around. It makes me sad, but makes me cringe.
I had my right shoulder tightened 2 1/2 years ago. That surgery was unsuccessful and I'm back to square one. In fact, I dislocated it just two weeks ago and am in a brace just about 24/7 to keep it from slipping. Hence...I'm a running fool because it's really all I'm physically able to do right now. I can bike, but believe it or not, that can be hard on the shoulders, too.
I've been to a few orthopedists and most recently, a shoulder specialist who has given me the order to see a geneticist. On May 4th, they'll be testing me for a syndrome called Ehler's Danlos (body's inefficiency to produce collagen, the stuff in the connective tissues (ligaments/tendons) that keeps them tight and cohesive.). Basically, they think that I'm a "loose young lady" (go ahead...laugh...we all have) because of this particular syndrome. We'll soon know. If I test positive, I've been told that surgery really isn't an least not the typical surgeries. If I test negative, then who knows where I'll end up. I'll keep you posted.
Timothy said that going to the gym is a good thing; it's "useful". But in all sincerity, I hope I'm MORE concerned about my soul and MORE disciplined in my devotion to my God than I am about my loose hinges or in my physical training. How 'bout you? How are you treating what God has deemed a TEMPLE? Is there some spiritual flabbiness that's weighin' ya down?
"Take you everyday, ordinary life-your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life-and place it before God as an offering." ROMANS 12:1
Two Small Words that Mean the World
8 months ago
You are most definitely more of a runner than me!! Sorry to hear that you've become "loose"! LOL :) I am going to have to go in and see an orthopedic doctor soon because I have hips that like to pop out of joint! Fun times :) Hope they are able to figure something out for you and tighten you back up :)